The spider monkey is a pattern from Kath Dalmeny's book "World of Knitted Toys". I made the adult spider monkey and I ran out of wool so the tail is two different colours. Very cute toy though. While I was knitting it I had lots of ideas for alterations to the pattern which I will try one day. I want to give it a big fat tummy and really thin little fingers and huge enormous ears.
The strawberry booties are by Hronn Jonsdottir, a free pattern that I found on the internet:
Because I'm lazy, I made the booties in 8 ply wool using small needles, so they ended up a bit big but babies' feet grow fast so I'm sure James will be able to wear them soon. I couldn't crochet the little flowers because my wool was too thick and they ended up looking a bit stupid so I left them off. But the booties turned out pretty good anyway. They were heaps good fun to make! I made the i-cord ties in a slightly darker colour for contrast. They only took me 6 hours or so to make. If I was really good and on the ball I could have made them a lot quicker but instead I sat and watched TV (it's very hard to read subtitles while knitting) and alternated between knitting and reading.
I forgot to take a photo of them until I was leaving Melbourne so I took this rushed one.
As always, I knit everything using wool from the Bendigo Woollen Mills. I used to use lots of other different types and brands of wool but nothing compares to BWM.
"Nothing compares to yooooooouuuuuuu..."
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